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Life Lessons
Part Four: What’s that One Thing That’s a 'You Thing'?
I was chatting with a friend of mine and I experienced this sudden realization that most of us are operating as jacks of all trades, but truly a master of none. So that saying wasn’t quite far-fetched by whoever coined it. We are placed in…
Part Three: What First Impression Do You Make?
On the previous post, I to some extent defined who this millennial is from my point of view. Now, when you meet with someone for the very first time, what are some of the basic things you anticipate to know about them? Is it their name,…
Part Two: Who’s this Millennial?
I think I started the ‘series’ way ahead of where I should have. That's why I've been feeling so stuck and frustrated on how I'll go about this job I've pleasantly placed upon myself. I will be on millennials this, millennials that, and I…
Part One: What is Your Expected Income?
This is one of those questions I have battled with since day one of employment or rather interviews since that's where it all starts. How do I know how much I am worth based on how much work I do or the impact I think my work will bring to…
Thank God It’s Friday Whoop Whoop :) I am excited about I don't really know considering am quite plotless but am happy happy happy. Today I am feeling Happy, Cheerful, Content, Satisfied, Soooo Loved, Like spreading happiness - Oh well, I…